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Constellation Journeys Online Study Group Spring 2025
with Chuck Cogliandro

The work of Family Constellations is soul work.  It is an uncovering and guided exploration of the soul agreements we made to come to life, to be born to the birth parents we have, in the place, time, and conditions our soul- in its greater wisdom and mystery- chose for us.  Our soul agreements include the fates we must live through.  The soul wants us to be free, to be at peace, to share our gifts with the world.  We're also born with something crosswise that can impede our progress at crucial moments, that can show us the way towards unexpected resources and strengths when we are able to surrender to new understandings.  Carrying the crosswise part is inherent in the bargain we make to have our life.  If our parents only loved, accepted and approved of us, and we had no calling to a dream of our own life, we would never leave home. 

In our healing, the soul may take us downwards in an initiation, towards the Earth, the unknown, and into darkness before renewing us with understanding, compassion, and a better connection to our family and our place in it.  We can learn to become aware of and let go of unconscious loyalties that hinder us, and take adult responsibility for our path. In these times when so much seems to be unraveling, one of the most direct ways I know to contribute to world peace is to come to peace with our families.




Course Structure:

Ten Sessions, all on Thursdays

Time: 9am to 12:30pm Eastern U.S. (New York) time zone

First session Thursday February 6th

Final tenth session Thursday April 10th

Cost: Early Registration Discount, $475 for all ten sessions if paid in full by January 15th, 2025

Regular Registration, $575 for all ten sessions after January 15th, 2025

Optional- make two payments, one before program starts, second before start of third session, $300 each payment


Your preparation:

-Gather at least 10 small objects to be used in your own tabletop constellations as we work through the program. [People have used stones, crystals, small figures, spice bottles, etc. It doesn't really matter what you choose, as long as they are easily distinguishable and can be set up on your table]
-Have a good Internet connection and a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for the length of each session.
-Do not join any sessions while in a vehicle.
-Have an open space on a tabletop to set up objects for each session, and a camera that can be turned to show the objects from time to time.
-Commit to spending time reflecting on and answering questions in a worksheet that will be sent about a week before each session.



This course will serve as a thorough general introduction to the ancestral healing method of Family Constellations, as Kelly and I learned it through three years of study in The Constellation Approach Immersion Program with our primary teachers, Peter and Jamy Faust. It will also include our own learnings from facilitating Constellations for individuals and groups since 2011, as well as from our professional lives in education, racial healing and social justice, and West African music and culture. It will serve as a prerequisite to future trainings in how to facilitate Family Constellations for individuals and groups.

The course will be a mixture of lecture, experiential learning, setting up Constellations, and accessing the ancestral Knowing Field. What arises in the moment in sessions will also be included. You will have opportunities between sessions to reflect on many aspects of your own family experience and dynamics through questionnaires and by setting up your own tabletop Constellations at home.

Among the subjects included will be:

-Orders of Love
-The Knowing Field
-Representative Perception
-Ritual Introductions
-Birth Names
-What Constellations Reveal
-Loyalty and Belonging
-Guilt and Innocence
-Balance of Giving and Taking
-Victims and Perpetrators, Transforming the cycle
-A Child’s innocent love and an Adult's mature love
-Acknowledge, Accept, Agree: the three levels of healing
-The levels of the Ritual Bow
-Constellations compared to therapy
-The weight of burdens, the weight of dignity
-Ten aspects of family consciousness: Family of origin, Father’s Line, Mother’s Line, Siblings, Death, Illness/Addiction, War, Immigration, Religion, Love and Relationships (one per session)
-Polyrhythmic meditation practices to increase the multidimensional awareness needed to move clearly through the numerous nested energy fields of a Constellation


If you don't have a Paypal*, Venmo or Zelle account, you can mail a check payable to "Kumandi Drums" to my home address, which I'll send you by email. Or you can call me at 404-966-5800 and give a credit card* number.  
*Service charge of 3% is added to Paypal and credit card payments.
Venmo: chuck-cogliandro
Zelle: mkdrum@mindspring.com
For other questions regarding payment please send me an email at chuck@constellationjourneys.com.

Online FC Study Group Spring 2025

Upcoming Events with Constellation Journeys

Online Study Group
- Begins Thursday, February 6th, 2025
- 9am - 12:30pm Eastern U.S. time zone
- Ten Thursdays, final class April 10th
- Early Registration Fee: $475 by January 15th
- After January 15th, $575
- Limited to 10 participants
Details and Registration

Saturday, March 8th, 2025
- Full Day Group Seminar

- 9:15am - 5pm
- Theme: TBD
- Location: The Well of Roswell, Roswell, GA
- 900 Old Roswell Lakes Parkway, Suite 300, Roswell, GA 30076
- Fee: Early Bird Pricing through February 10th, $120 per person, or $100 per person for multiple people in same family
- After February 10th, $150 per person, or $130 per person for multiple people in same family
- Limited to 12 participants
Details and Registration

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Whichever road I follow, I walk in the land of many gods, and they love and eat one another. Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands. -Linda Hogan